Sunday, May 22, 2011

This weekend Part 1



This weekend started early. I took Friday off and went with Tanner to his field trip. Tanner likes the zoo but not for the animals. We have been here many times, first thing we do is drop some coins in this spiral well.




Walk around a bit and food. They always (Cap Christian School) tell you to be there by 8 or else you will be left. But we usually do not leave until almost nine. Once we get there there is more waiting before they let us in, then we have to meet each other and walk to the picnic table for lunch. I went with Sawyer to all his pre school and kindergarten field trips which is either to the zoo or to Fairy Tale town which is next door. Because of all the waiting you have to do, alot of time you are only really there for an hour.



Tanner’s favorite thing at the zoo, the yellow tractor.


More waiting


Picnic area


This is our real lunch, TK Noodle House


Time to visit Sawyer. His daycare is spending the afternoon at the park.


My boys! Sawyer is so proud of Tanner and shows him off to his classmates who calls him little Sawyer

Sunday, May 15, 2011

This weekend



Jeff drove the kids around this weekend to their endless baseball games on Saturday and on Sunday he took Tanner to a party while Sawyer and i stayed at home to rest. I have been feeling tired lately so it was a nice break from my usual running around. i think i am slowing down from here on.  It got cold again and Sunday it was foggy and rainy, love it. i dread the coming of summer. Summer is only fun if you are off. I stayed in the whole time, except for a quick trip to Costco. Bought a box of their tempura, a bit heavy on the batter so i wont buy this brand again.


Made some brownies. Sawyer said the nuts makes it taste yummier. Tanner refused to try it because of the nuts. One day all of us will eat the same thing…someday.

I love days like these, just hanging it with my boys. Of course there were fights and crying between them throughout the day. At one point,they decided to have a sword fight with the water stick i got them, i told them a million times i dont like that bec it always ends up in tears. But i just let them be, they have to learn the reason  why i say “Because i said so” when i say no to something they want to do is because i know what will happen next. So they did well for five minutes, then Sawyer got hurt, then Tanner got hurt, alot of tears, while i ran upstairs to calm myself down.  Had a little talk with them about how rough playing like that is not worth it it seems because of the physical pain that always comes with it. Specially since the fun never seems to last for more than a few minutes.They both agree…for now.  

IMG_4583 These boxes were heavy, it was filled with books, i was surprised to see them in the middle of the room so i asked Sawyer how did he do it, he said it ws Tanner, and it took him a  long time to push it there. Wish i caught him doing it. This is a forth they made. Well Tanner made. They were playing dogs then it became a storefront with them selling things to each other. 

Tannerism: Jeff and i were spelling lots of words while talking in the car, Tanner was looking at us, back and forth, finally waning to be included, he said “ l o v e u. “ Its the only word he can spell for now aside from his name.

PS. Took friday off to attend Tanner’s western BBQ day. Forgot to bring my camera! It was a morning full of activities, jumpy houses, obstacle courses, games, puppet show, western cartoon, and gymnastic. It ends at noon where we go to their room and eat the potluck of hotdogs and cookies. Jeff came to surprise us and we went to a Chinese buffet since that was my plan with Tanner. Long weekends are always soooo nice. Time is so precious in my world.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Tanner and his balloon


Tanner got this balloon yesterday, he was worried the open window would make his balloon fly away. His solution was to cuddle with it. Lucky balloon.

Weekend recap: Birthday party, baseball, library, Bridgehead Restaurant (Antioch)with Jeff's family for my birthday and Mother's Day, drvie around the delta, Locke, Courtland, Oto's Market, we all helped (even Tanner who gave Sawyer his black crayons)Sawyer with his school project, more on that later.

Locke, CA



This is one of my favorite places here to visit. Locke is a town that is about 45 minutes away from us and it is the only existing Chinese built community in this country. When we moved to Sacramento a few years ago, i started reading up on the immigration of Chinese in this area and that lead me to this place.  


Today is rather unusual for this dusty little town, or maybe it is not, but there was alot of people there. I tour bus was there and a busload of well dressed older people were walking around. The parking lot was also full of cars. I heard one of the ladies said they are from Walnut Creek. Or did she say they were in Walnut Grove (the next town)??

I worry about this little town becoming too popular, i also worry about this town be shut down by the state due to their budget problem. I noticed how many of the little shops that were there closed own, at least two vintage shops were gone and a little convenience store, all gone.

The soil is so rich here that flowers were abundant.



Garden roses are a million times more beautiful than the store ones.



Doggie show party




We woke up today all excited about Tanner’s classmate’s party. Its at a park, siblings are welcome and there is a doggie show! These dogs, or the trainer, are semi famous, they were on TV (America Got Talent, something like that)and about a year ago someone gave us a video they made so we are actually familiar with them, i would like to think. All the dogs are rescued dogs, unwanted by other people for whatever reason. The Jack Russell, she said, was given away due to his excessive energy.


Why cant i just serve simply food like these? Hotdogs, drinks, chips and watermelon. And cupcakes. Everyone had fun and food eaten outside taste better no matter what you serve.


Total chaos during gift opening. Finally the kids were told to sit down and hold onto their presents since everyone wants theirs to be open next. Tanner hold on to his can of soda the entire time. Its a special threat and he took advantage of it and drank a can and a half.


I ma kinda proud of our gift, its a learning Dora globe that i got from Costco a couple of years ago. It was such a good buy that i bought a bunch, pretty much everyone got one that Christmas! This is the last one to go.


After the party, Sawyer and daddy went to play baseball and Tanner and mommy went to the library. Tanner was a big help.


Tanner is now comfortable at the place and would go to the children’s section by himself.

After school meeting


Sometimes the neighbor kid Tyler comes over to play, but today he was here to trade cards. Pokémon cards. I don't exactly approve of Sawyer spending his money on these useless cards, but sometimes he needs to learn on his own.


Quick dinner

Sometimes when life gets super busy and you come home late, just open the fridge and grab a bunch of stuff and call it dinner. Apparently, the clam chowder on sourdough bread is a big hit.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

This weekend



The boys are home from a morning of baseball. Tanner, who is not into superheroes stuff at all, is trying on Sawyer’s old spidey gloves.

I had to stay home since Lowe’s is supposed to deliver a new washer, but they never came. 


The kids coming home from a party hosted by Tanner’s classmate. Sawyer: “Hey Tanner, you want to watch our balloons fly away?” Tanner: “NO!”

The rest of my weekend pictures were taken with my iTouch and i cant figure how to send it here…yet…gggrrr.

But here is the rest of what we did: Jeff and I went to a sushi lunch buffet, dropped off bags of donations to a thrift store in Rosemont. Dinner was at IHOP since today is their kids last day for kids eat  for free day. I used to love IHOP, not sure about them now except for their pancakes.

Sunday i slept in while the delivery guys came with our new replacement washer. Tanner came in to cuddle a bit and semi awake i told him to ask his dad to make sure they leave us the big washer box this time. Good thinking, Tanner spent hours playing with that thing Sunday.

Sawyer and i went to Border’s, Old Navy, Marshall’s and Winco and came home with a pizza. Me; Who wants to go shopping with mommy? Tanner: Sawyer will do it  : (  Sawyer: will you buy me something? Sawyer ended up taking his own money and buying a book.

Goal: have to train my boys to go shopping with me and carry my purse around while i do that.