Monday, April 25, 2011

Second Annual Dog Parade/ Twain Harte



White lab pups for sale before the parade started. 


A cheekful of kettle corn.


I think its a kid thing, this sewer fascination.IMG_4500

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A three legged greyhound. I am glad to say that alot of the dogs are rescue dogs and not yippy fancy ones. It is a very rural town.

We did not take Tara with us since she thinks she is a person and cannot stand other dogs.


We didnt know where to go at first, but i got tired of walking and stopped here. Perfect spot in turned out since this is where they all start and the audio guy does all the intro right here.


Tanner got cold and conveniently, a diner is right behind us. The waitress who was making funny faces at Tanner while we were outside gave him extra extra whipped cream.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

This weekend



After a breakfast of oatmeal and turkey bacon, the boys did some crafting. Spongebob magnets.



A very thirsty camel, i mean Tanner. Gatorade =  baseball






The whole Saturday was baseball, from 11:30 to five. First it was Tanner’s then Sawyer’s. In between games Tanner and I went to Walmart where they are giving free pictures for Easter (i had to use their bathroom, i dont do blue beauties)


Thats Sawyer in background playing centerfield. Time to take a break again. Me and Tanner went to the library, Tanner’s first time. Outside of his school, he corrected me.IMG_4455

Our last trip was Costco since Jeff wants burger. Burger and chips for dinner.



Sunday, outlet with Tanner Wanner. Thanks for still going with mommy shopping my  baby.




Sawyer and his playdate. This is his first playdate not counting our neighbor-classmate Tyler. Very strange, the kid was dropped off without us even meeting the parents. 

Tanner takes pictures

I gave Tanner the camera and ask him to take five pictures. 






Friday, April 15, 2011

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Target and Starbucks



Why did you do that Target, i was content with your dollar hotdogs and sodas, then you have to add a Starbucks and now $$$ poorer, i have to make it my moneys worth, so i am takings lots of pictures. 



Bonney Plumbing Heating and Air…

… we’ll get the job done! This is a local plumbing company. Tanner loves their commercial and sings it all the time. One day our sprinkler broke and they are called in. Tanner was so excited. 


The service guy, who is Russian, had a name tag, Igor is his name. Jeff started calling him Igor, like the way they said it in the  Gene Wilder movie until the guy corrected him, hehe, funny, i know he knows how to say the name correctly, but we watched the movie just the other day so he said it like that accidentally. 

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I am so proud


This is a picture of Sawyer on his first day of 1st grade. I learned today that he passed the Gateway exam and will be off to a better more academic school in the next school year (in third grade). He was one of the chosen one in his class to take this test, recommended by his teacher. Sawyer was not too enthusiastic when he realized that passing the test would mean a new school. When we told him today, he started pouting. But Jeff mentioned how he would be able to take the school bus and that brought a smile to his face.I don't know why, but my kids loves school buses. I actually do too, in fact i wanted to rent one for my wedding. But didnt. I still remember Sawyer’s first school bus ride, we were going to the State Fair and we have to take a school bus to get to the gate from the parking lot. He was two and wanted to sit by himself, he glared at me when i went near him, I can still see him, his back not touching the seat and his feet dangling, sitting straight up with a smile on his face. Now he is off (soon) to this promising future. I will post more about the Gateway class later.


Sunday, April 3, 2011

This weekend


Easter is coming, i don’t usually decorate for every occasion, but i think a little here and there would be appreciated by the boys. Tanner was able to help me do this today. He asked me if we are taking some of it to his school since his school have a big Easter Egg hunt every year. Maybe, i bought too much this year.


Sawyer was in the room while Tanner was doing this, but he is too busy playing with his DS to participate. Tanner likes being naked when he is newly showered. Ok, he wants to be naked al the time, but sometimes i do force him to put clothes on.IMG_4346

On the way home from getting groceries yesterday, i saw a garage sale sign and foolowed it. What a great deal! I have been obsessing about pie baking and look! This is like a sign. All the silverware is on 50 cents.


Tanner and Sawyer enjoying Tanner’s 5th birthday present.



To support my coworker Lisa Cordier (her daughter produced a play), I took the boys to see it. I was so worried that they would not be able to sit still. On the way there i told them they will be getting a treat, asked them if they have any restaurant in mind, Tanner wanted to to to a 7/11 and get an ICEE while Sawyer wanted something more extravagant, things got complicated when they couldn't agree and before you know it they were trying to negotiate for toys instead of a simple treat.


The play was in a small old theater, a really nice place by the old neighborhood of Broadway. Mommy got lost a little bit, but nothing too crazy. The kids did well, of course there were a few trips to the concession stand (Lisa’s whole family was there selling), and three bathroom trips, but overall, it was pretty calm.


Mommy needs coffee (from next door) after the play.


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Reminder: Unless you want to help Tanner control his cone, do not let him order a cone, always in a cup. Sawyer got cookie dough and Tanner got brownie fudge.


Next door was a thrift store. Hurry Tanner, finish your cone already! I got a Zojisomething, you know, the Japanese brand thermos with the elephant. It was a good buy at $5!

Other activities with no picture: 2 baseball games, grocery trip, buying cable, Lowe’s for wagon grease and plants, new HE washer delivery, 8 loads of laundry, endless feeding of growing boys and loading unloading dishwasher and other household task.