Monday, August 1, 2011

In The Spirit of Our Campaign for One Fun Summer...

Jeff and I took the boys to the K Street Mall with a plan to walk to Old Town. First we had a snow cone (pictures will be posted later, my computer is broken and my nice brother in law will be working on it). Tanner wanted a chocolate snow cone, i told him it was not available in that flavor, when asked what other flavor, he said " I CANT READ" so the nice lady behind the counter asked him if he wants green, blue or pink, he picked blue which turned out to be bubblegum and after one bite, he decided he did not like it and wanted the shrimp chips i get inside the store instead. Weird, what kid does not like snow cone, my biggest kid (Jeff) ate it instead. One the way to the mall, which we have been to many times, Jeff suddenly couldnt find his bearings and we had to go arund several times until he got to the parking lot. Unbeknownst to us, that side is for office worker so when we got on the elevator, it wouldnt move, wouldnt open and wouldnt go up, immediately Tanner started to panic " I dont want to be stuck here forever, wah!" Big tears which surprised us both and i think Sawyer too and thats why he did not panic as much. We got out after more pressing of buttons, walked around, jeff decided we have to try the elvator again, poor Tanner started crying immedietely got out and finally we got our bearings and found our car and drove to the other side. Quite a few minutes adventure there. Tanner proclaimed while wiping his big tears with his sleeves: "I WILL NEVER RIDE A ELEVATOR EVER AGAIN" Life is good for the little guy because after that proclamation, he reminded us that we promised to take him to the train stattion and candy store. And we did. It was a fun day full of sugar (choco muffin, lemonade, push pops, taffy-which he did not like) and salt (pizza, corn dog).

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